Avoiding the pitfalls when in business with a partner, shareholder or director

Starting a new business venture is an exciting time, yet like any relationship, the journey often presents challenges.

In my work as a specialist barrister dealing with shareholder/director and partnership disputes, I often see problems that, with just a little bit more planning and forethought, could have easily been avoided. 

The benefits of working in a bigger business are many. These benefits include sharing pressures and responsibilities, the opportunity to pool resources, and the chance to combine skills, experience and talent. 

Doing so can really raise the bar beyond that which might be achieved through a solo venture. But going into business with others certainly does come with its own set of challenges.

While many relationships are born quickly from shared passions and enthusiasm for a business idea, far fewer are able to stand the test of time. I specialise in resolving disputes between those in business together who have fallen out for one reason or another. 

Very often, things aren’t helped by the fact that solid foundations have not been set to meet the challenges that working together can entail.

So, before you dive into a new business relationship, first make sure you’ve got the fundamentals in place.  Trade through a limited company or, perhaps, a limited liability partnership. 

Ensure you have suitable articles of association and a sensible shareholders’ or members’ agreement. 

Make sure your understanding of the respective rights of participation in management and conduct of the business is recorded and enshrined. 

Make provision for access to all books, records, accounts and other information that might be required. 

Agree on salary entitlements and dividend policies. Consider the merits of “good/bad leaver” provisions and “put/call” and “follow me” options. 

Formalise an effective and efficient process for dispute resolution. 

Strategise for exits and settle the basis and method of any future valuations of interests.

Moving forward, here are my “Top Practical Tips” which might help avoid disputes or at least enable you to resolve matters before things really start to turn sour.

For further advice as to how to structure a business relationship, how to resolve a business dispute or more practical tips, feel free to get in touch with me for an initial, confidential 30-minute chat. It’s entirely free – there’s no obligation and no charge!